Yes I have gained and lost over 60 pounds three different times in my life. For many of us our weight can be a life long battle. Just remember, be healthy and make sure you're happy.
Below is a picture of me at the age of 12 weighing 190lbs and wearing my dad's XL white tee shirt.

p.s. I have always had the same personality regardless of my size. Always be nice to everyone you meet. It's good karma and it's a great way to conduct your life.
Use to be? Kidding.
You soo do not look fat there!
I heart you for this post...
Kudos for being authentic! Despite society dictating to us otherwise; I think you were adorable.
I think it's great that you try to instill the whole "Always be nice to everyone you meet. It's good karma and it's a great way to conduct your life" message in people. Because, really, it's important to never judge people or completely shut them out before you really get to know the real person that they are. Anyways, you're funny, but I really enjoy your slightly serious moments on this blog.
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