Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ridiculous Headlines: Kim Kardashian's dog

Hello friendos! If you desperately need to know what Kim Kardashian's dog's temperament is then check out this ridiculous headline from People.

If you're too lazy to click the link the headline is "Kim Kardashian: My dog is 'Cool and Calm' - Just Like Me".

Come on People Magazine, is it really that slow in Hollywood that you're writing blips about faux celeb's and their dog's dispositions?

p.s. My dog is crazy, just like me and she has 6 nipples just like me!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha, I the crazy-part is true! But I don't believe that you have 6 nipples :P

But they really don't know what else to write, huh?