Yesterday while patrolling the gossip sites I came across an article about the "stars" of TLC's newest show "Sister Wives" who are being investigated for felony bigamy. "Sister Wives" is a show about a man and his three wives (soon to be four wives) and his 13 children and three step-children. "Sister Wives" premiered on Sunday night which insighted the investigation by the police in Utah.
"At the conclusion of the investigation, the evidence will be forwarded to the Utah County Attorney's Office for review and possible prosecution," says Lehi City Police Lt. Darren Paul.
In my opinion it's not much of an investigation since the husband is an admitted bigamist. Bigamy is a third-degree felony in Utah.
The idea of bigamy would never work for me (obviously) but the concept doesn't bother me. If a group of consenting adults want to have a mass marriage then I believe they should be able to. I wanted to see what my twitter friends thought on the matter so I wrote a tweet saying "Bigamy doesn't bother me -does it bother you?" I received a lot of responses saying yes bigamy is bothersome because the Mormons funded the discriminatory Proposition 8- banning gay marriage in California. The legalization of gay marriage is something my family deals with everyday but let's put aside politics and religion and focus just on the act of bigamy.
Does it bother you that consenting adults would want to have a mass marriage? Do you think they should have federal benefits?
HBO's hit show "BIG LOVE" has been sparking debate over bigamy for 5 successful seasons. On "BIG LOVE" you see the discrimination and heartbreak that this large and fictitious family struggle with. They are forced to deny who they are and you see the jealousy between the wives which reinforces to me that the act of bigamy is not just a black and white issue, especially when there are children involved. (Maybe if all the wives looked like Ginnifer Goodwin no one would have a problem with bigamy.)
Here's a sneak peek at Sister Wives:
They have to right.. Its sick and weird. But they should be allowed.
The Mormons haven't practiced polygamy in over 100 years. In fact, if they *did*, supporting Prop 8 wouldn't have been remotely in their wheelhouse...
(I'm an Em-Mo, but I support truth in advertising and labeling...)
Ex-Mo, I mean...
Do you know what the penalty is for bigamy?
Multiple mothers-in-law.
I guess that Guy is an exception.
I think if it doesn't burden others (rights, financial) it should be allowed. If America is to call itself a free country, why shouldn't marital practices and religious practices be open for everyone? Didn't we start this country for that purpose?
I just wish the guy was a lesbian who had 3 wives (or girlfriends)who all work at home,with no that would be one helluva interesting show!
I think they're all nuts to be a part of 'big love' mainly because of all the children involved. Consenting adults should be able to do whatever they want together within the laws of their state.
Maybe some laws should be changed, esp to include protecting the children.
Now there's a 4th wife getting involved. She's 30 yrs old and has 3 kids. Weird people!!
I don't watch it but whatever rocks their boat.
I have no problem with bigamy as a concept as long as all those involved are consenting adults. My problem is with the double standard. Would the man allow any of his wives to take another husband? Doubtful.
I'm with aeryn296 - No doubt they'd have issues if the tables were turned!!!
Btw - how are your balls doing in this heat? You're too funny, Bridget!! :)
It shouldn't be assumed that polygamy in general has anything to do with the Mormons. Mormons are just one group who practice this, so their prop 8 stance isn't really a factor in the yay/nay to polygamy debate. (Besides, just because someone approaches you from a stand point of bigotry doesn't for a second imply that your position will be improved by firing hatred or ignorance their way).
Would a husband stand for his wife to have a second husband? Who knows, and something for the individuals concerned to wrestle out in their family dynamic. The women covered in this show seem not to want a second husband, working as a team with their fellow wives to run a happy and successful home. They don't seem disempowered or damaged by their environment, nor do their children.
So yeah, I guess if you can make a polygamous household work, then all power to you.
The problem is that where there's bigamy involved, the women usually weren't given the choice... it's a tradition that often comes with forced marriage...
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