Sunday, February 21, 2010

TV shows I could never be on

Today I made a banana walnut loaf. It tasted great but I destroyed its aesthetic when it only partially came out of the pan. I said to my wife that I could never be on Iron Chef because I can't even make a banana loaf. But the truth is I couldn't be on Iron Chef because I'm not a chef. Here's a list of other shows I couldn't be on:

-Iron Chef. I can't even cook an egg...or a banana loaf.

-Grey's Anatomy. There are way too many medical words to pronounce or in my case mispronouce. I could be an AWESOME silent nurse who holds charts in the corner though.

-American Idol. I can't sing well enough and I would cry if Simon was mean to me.

-So You Think You Can Dance? I wish I could dance but alas I can only air hump.

-The Bachelor. Duh! I'm a married and gay.

-And any show where I'd have to be quiet, starve on an island or talk politics with republicans.



Skinny Arbuckle said...

haha. i agree with that list. i couldn't be on those shows either.

Dalice711 said...

You could be a 'patient' on Grey's Anatomy. No medical jargon required

They could use another love interest for Izzie (or is she already gone?) You'd be good for at least 4 episodes 'cause of the lezzzzzzz-love thang.

Lainey said...
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Lainey said...

The banana walnut loaf partially came out of the pan most likely because it needed to be cooled for about 10+ minutes before it was removed from the pan. I'm no Iron Chef-so my guess would be the reason for this is that the sugar once its cooled, becomes stiff which would allow for the loaf to come out of the pan in one piece.

Also, the pan can be very lightly floured after the entire pan is very lightly coated with butter. The batter goes in once the loaf pan is floured.

Bridget - if you said it taste good, then no doubt it was good! I adore you - so you can make banana walnut loaf for me any time!

Anonymous said...

You and Karman should try out for the Amazing Race!!! I'm quite serious about this one.