Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The best bullies

In almost every movie there is a "bad guy/woman" and in some cases they steal the show from the protagonist. When I was in elementary school I was bullied by one boy in particular and after 20 years I'm happy to say he's still the same height he was in 4th grade and living at home with his parents. Bullies can ruin a person's life and make a hell of a good villain.

Here is a list of the best of the worst bullies in the movies:

#1 Biff (Back to the Future)

#2 James Spader (Pretty in Pink) and every other movie he's in.

#3 Spiked haired bully (Christmas Story)

#4 Regina George (Mean Girls)

# 5 Tyler Durden (Fight Club)


Unknown said...

i like that kid on the bike that's like "where's my 5 dollars?!" in better off dead

Anita said...

Alan Rickman as the Sheriff of Nottingham in "Robin Hood"!!! Totally steals each and every scene he's in... and who cares for Kevin Costner anyway?

Kait W. said...

The one from A Christmas Story is called Scut Farkus. :)