Monday, April 9, 2007


I was reflecting about my younger years and how my nickname growing up was BIRDSHIT MC-ANUS. I think I've greatly progressed since that period of my life which I now entitle: "THE DARK AGES & BIG STUFF OREOS"

Like most creative children that were picked on for being different- I now feel lucky to have my own mindset to stand out in a crowd.

I can't really say I wish I lived in Windsor, CT population: whocares, and have a ranch style house with 2.5 kids. I'm quite content not spending money on baby's clothes and instead hoarding my earning in a savings account I called: Porsche Me.

Be nice to everyone you meet because you never know who they will grow up to be.


1 comment:

Jessica D. said...

I just stumbled on your website and blog the other day and was reading through and saw this. First I want to say congratulations on all you've accomplished and the wonderful life you have. You were always fun to be around and I can totally believe you've made a career out of just being you. Thats SO great! Second, you certainly are not Bird Shit!
(From your WHS cheer team)