Monday, May 10, 2010

"From Boy Scout to confessed Terrorist"

On the front page of there is the headline "From Boy Scout to Confessed Terrorist", referring to terrorist Bryant Vinas. When I saw this article I immediately thought about how I was kicked out of the girl scouts. I actually didn't even make it into the girlscouts, I only got to the brownie stage. My mother was one of the brownie troupe leaders and the only badge I got was the cooking badge. Shocking, right? I remember my mother and I sitting in one of the other leader's kitchens dipping cherries into chocolate. At the end I ate most all of the chocolate covered cherries and almost vomited. Maybe that's why I was kicked out of the troupe.


1 comment:

Catherine said...

Wow, kicked out? I've done my fair share of stupid things while in Girl Scouts but was never kicked out. I actually just bridged to Adult this year. Yes I'm 18 and still in Girl Scouts. Yes I'm cool.