Wow...she is right!
Jon Lovitz isn't on the cover USWeekly in a bikini and TMZ doesn't have glimpses of Robin William's crotch and we never hear family gossip about Bobcat Goldthwait... errr wait...why would you hear anything about Bobcat! I don't understand why he's famous- he's just talks annoyingly- is that a talent? If you think I'm being harsh please rent the holiday classic "Scrooged" starring a real comic Bill Murray but I digress....
My friend is indeed correct, no one cares about comics.
Dear Mr. Cat,
If you're reading this blog please know that I have the utmost respect for you and your talents. You have given a voice to all the little annoying ugly white men in the word and I'm sure they thank you and admire your success.

If AfterEllen readers are anything to go by , be prepared to paparazzied(is that a word?) You have no idea how much we are looking forward to your vlog! I'm gonna get my camera ready now...just kidding..maybe...
When I was in high school, the coolest funniest guy Michael, who was also queer not surprisingly, was in loooove with Bobcat Goldwaithe.
And did a spot-on perfect imitation of him.
I think we all just loved the imitation so much, not necessarily the nod towards Bobcat.
But his name is infused with good memories for me. So thanks for bringing him up and bringing happyness to me, even though you hate him and snidely comment on his skillsets.
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